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Our Diversity, Equity,  Inclusion & Access  Policy

Master Trainer and Lead Instructor Alfred Heath, MA, LPC is a member of the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) Committee of the Association of Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP), Sat on the recorded DEI panel discussion that is a segment within ACEP’s “Clarity and Wisdom” ethics online training course.


Please be aware that our live training platform, zoom has immediately available disability accommodation through assistive technology available through zoom meetings, video recordings of meetings, training text documents, and Powerpoint/Adobe Acrobat presentations.  There will also be a disability access statement requesting those with accommodation needs beyond that to contact me by phone or email to request other accommodations in advance of the training to determine whether a reasonable plan to address those needs can devised and implemented.


Please let us know of any accessibility issues related to any of our other training and education materials, and we'll do our very best to resolve them. 


All BSFFETA training events begin with a following Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Access (DEIA) statement inviting private feedback throughout the training period, with feedback on DEIA issues also included in the program evaluation feedback forms to be completed by participants at the end of the training.


Chronic or blatant offensive speech or behavior, or perceived pervasive instances of "micro-aggressions" or callousness related to DEIA issues may be filed as a complaint/grievance for resolution by the instructor or BSFFETA Principal through the Complaints Procedure.


In all BSFFETA training events, the acknowledgement and use of preferred personal pronouns will be encouraged when referring to participants.

BSFFETA presentation content will be reviewed to ensure images and references are either neutral or representative to the degree possible of diversity across the human experience.

BSFFETA participant program evaluations will include feedback on the DEI


BSFFETA trainings will include the following statement provided to participants at the start of the training: “As the presenter of this training, I acknowledge and accept that each of us represents a unique combination of age, race, ethnicity, culture, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, ability, language, socioeconomic status, political or philosophical perspective, as well as  other aspects of identity and association which involve varying degrees of shared privilege and/or oppression with accompanying sensibilities, sensitivities, vulnerabilities, insights and ignorance.


“We also understand that many groups within our human family suffer varying degrees of prejudice, discrimination, oppression, and alienation in our Society. We seek in this training experience to cherish our shared universal humanity even as we seek to see, accept, acknowledge, honor, respect, and include each of you equally while respecting your individuality. We also seek to respect any cultural traditions referenced in this workshop. If there is reasonable accommodation you require to mitigate a physical disability in order to be able to participate in this training, please let us know, and we will do our best within our means to support your needs.


“Although we’re continually seeking the awareness, wisdom, empathy, and compassion to fulfill all our intentions in this regard, being human, we may still fall short in some way. Should it happen that anyone participating in this training experience any offense in this regard, we ask your forgiveness and, although we know it’s not your responsibility, we humbly request your feedback to inform us as soon as possible and via the workshop feedback forms provided at the end of the training so that every effort can be made to resolve the issue. Please let us know what happened, how it affected you, and what would have been an appropriate alternative, so that we can address the issue and make any necessary amends. “The universality and uniqueness within each of us has a combined value beyond measure. Thank you for being exactly who you are. We hope to fulfill our intention to honor each of you equally.


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


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