Worldwide Be Set Free FastTMTraining
Worldwide Be Set Free FastTMTraining
Be Set Free Fast (BSFF) and Psychodynamic Interoceptive CBT (PICBT) are psychotherapy modalities which combine evidence-based elements drawn from multiple established psychological phenomena and evidence-based psychotherapy approaches. As such, it represents an integrative and eclectic psychotherapy model whose evidence base lies in the parts which make up the whole. Research to confirm whether the synthesis of these parts results in a whole greater than their sum; to determine which parts of the BSFF and PICBT models provide some, most, or all the therapeutic benefits realized; as well as to compare BSFF’s and/or PICBT’s efficacy against other therapies has yet to be conducted and is highly encouraged.
This model of Be Set Free Fast should be considered a hybrid form of CBT that leverages constructive subconscious faculties and interoceptive awareness. As an approach to psychotherapy, the role and responsibilities of the practitioner --a licensed mental health provider—is central to effective and ethical mental health treatment. Use of either of these models for the purpose of treating a mental illness should only be undertaken under the guidance of credentialed mental health professionals whose scope of practice includes the relevant sector of client population and diagnoses involved.
As with many psychotherapeutic approaches, the procedures and processes involved can double as a means of self-help between sessions or after a successful period of psychotherapy as part of one’s personal mental and emotional hygiene. They can equally prove beneficial to the general population for subclinical emotional, psychological, or behavioral challenges in living. Such use of the Be Set Free Fast Method does not constitute mental health treatment and its results are the sole responsibility of the individual using it for themselves. Moreover, use of this method as self-help when mental health therapy is warranted is beyond the purview of any of the Be Set Free Fast educational materials publicly available through this website or from Alfred Heath and is not advised.
Pursuant to the above statements, neither the Be Set Free Fast Education and Training Academy, Alfred Heath, MA, LPC nor the creator of Be Set Free Fast, Larry Nims, PhD accept any liability for the improper or unethical application of Be Set Free Fast or other techniques taught during training events run by Alfred Heath conducted for psychotherapists or psychoeducational coaches, or for the improper use of Be Set Free Fast psychoeducational materials authored by either party intended for public information.
If you suspect you are dealing with a diagnosable mental health condition, you are strongly recommended to seek the advice of a licensed and appropriately credentialed mental health professional or your primary care physician. If you wish to consider mental health therapy by a licensed mental health provider with adequate training in Be Set Free Fast methodology, contact Alfred Heath at for a list of licensed therapists who are located nearby or are licensed or have privileges to provide telehealth services in your state or region.
Alfred Heath is not responsible for the statements or actions of any other person who refers to Be Set Free Fast, PICBT, SOAR, OmniSentience Therapeutic presence or any of Alfred Heath’s related writings or recorded media.
In accessing information on or purchasing products through this website you attest to the following:
"Any accounts, opinions, videos or other material presented on this website do not constitute a warranty, guarantee, or prediction regarding the outcome of an individual using or subjecting him/herself to any of the methods contained or advertised within.
"Furthermore, I understand that Alfred Heath makes no warranty, guarantee, or prediction regarding the outcome for my using or receiving services related to Be Set Free Fast. Alfred Heath accepts no responsibility or liability for the use or misuse of the information contained in this material.
"Training provided by Alfred Heath to clinicians and interactions between participants does not constitute mental health treatment and is intended solely for professional education and training purposes.
"By undergoing training advertised on this website, or by accessing and utilizing psychoeducational information found on this site, I agree to fully release, defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Alfred Heath within the legal limits of my jurisdiction from any claim or liability whatsoever and for any damage or injury of whatsoever nature, which I may incur, or anyone I share this information with may incur, arising at any time out of or in relation to my use of the information presented or advertised on this website. I understand that Alfred Heath recommends that anyone in search of help for their mental health seek the advice of their healthcare provider before following or implementing interventional techniques or making any significant health decisions."